Status Concluded

Tipology UAS Integratin: Sistema di gestione per droni autonomi cooperanti ed integrati in spazi aerei VLL

Sistema di gEstioNe per droni auTonomI cooperaNti ed intEgrati in spazi aerei VLL

POR CAMPANIA FESR 2014-2020 – ASSE 3 – O.S. 3.1 – AZIONE 3.1.1, CUP n. B47H22001860007



The SENTINEL project aims to develop an integrated system (HW / SW) for remote management of fleets of autonomous drones that cooperate and are electronically visible compared to other users of the Very Low Level (VLL) airspace.

Designed to automate periodic inspection operations via drones at remote industrial sites, Sentinel is capable of operating beyond visual line of sight with secure and reliable real-time tracking.

The system consists of an advanced hardware and software platform that enables optimized control and management of drone fleets, ensuring unprecedented efficiency in inspection and surveillance operations.

With its innovative technology and integration capabilities, SENTINEL represents a cutting-edge solution for monitoring and security needs in industrial infrastructures, thereby contributing to improving the effectiveness and safety of industrial operations.


TOPVIEW will share with the consortium its expertise on UAS operations and their integration into complex systems, with its main task being the customization and development of a UAS charging station.


The research is conducted in collaboration with

Soul Software S.r.l.

Soul Software positions itself in the IT (Innovation Technology) sector as a Software Factory specialized in developing simulation platforms and real-time, cloud-based solutions for the ATM (Air Traffic Management) and UTM (Unmanned Traffic Management) industries.